
Digital Specialist

Get to knowReese Damm


“I enjoy offering our clients the latest and greatest in social media trends!”

Reese Damm

A Fun Fact About
Me is...

I rescued a dog from my Airbnb

My Favorite Pizza
Topping is...


My Favorite Place in
Maryland is...

THB Deli

It’s time you stop wearing so many hats.


Find out more about ourDigital Marketing Services

Zest’s Digital Specialists are experts in the tools that drive digital media marketing. Our team supports clients with social media, search engine optimization, content marketing, research and reporting to achieve goals and increase leads and brand recognition.

We’re An Extension of your team


You need people, but you don't necessarily need to hire them full-time. OutZesting provides the fractional labor support you need across our four core disciplines - consulting, digital marketing, creative services, and website development... for less than the cost of a full-time employee.
